Employ-Ability works with range of organisations to ensure it meets its objectives and outcomes.
Our delivery partners:
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust on the delivery of IPS services in Essex and Suffolk; and of Job Retention services in Essex
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and Signpost on the delivery of the HeadsUp service, with Enable East as the coordinating body.
Our current funding partners:
- Care Commissioning Groups covering Essex and Suffolk
- Essex County Council
- Southend Care Commissioning Group
- European Social Fund and the National Lottery Fund
Our referral partners:
- Secondary mental health services in Essex and Suffolk
- Primary care services including IAPT services
- Jobcentre Plus
- Individuals who refer themselves to Job Retention or HeadsUp
Signpost partners:
- We will signpost to a range of specialist services to ensure our clients receive appropriate specialist advice.