Employ-Ability works with range of organisations to ensure it meets its objectives and outcomes.
Our delivery partners:
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust on the delivery of IPS services in Essex and Suffolk; and of Job Retention services in Essex
- Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and Signpost on the delivery of the HeadsUp service, with Enable East as the coordinating body.
Our delivery partners:
- Care Commissioning Groups covering Essex and Suffolk
- Essex County Council
- Southend Care Commissioning Group
- European Social Fund and the National Lottery Fund
Our referral partners:
- Secondary mental health services in Essex and Suffolk
- Primary care services including IAPT services
- Jobcentre Plus
- Individuals who refer themselves to Job Retention or HeadsUp
Our delivery partners:
- We will signpost to a range of specialist services to ensure our clients receive appropriate specialist advice.

Our services

Client stories
We seek to make a difference through person centred services that focus on individual needs and zero exclusions regardless of circumstance and diagnosis.

IPS Centre of Excellence
Employ-Ability’s delivery model is underpinned by its Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Centre of Excellence accreditation, this sets standards for our work that we are measured against.

Mental Health Awareness
As part of our role in enabling people experiencing mental ill health to secure and retain employment, we can offer targeted support.

Why work with Employ-Ability?
- Our mission is to help people with mental ill health to get into and keep employment, in South and West Essex and West Suffolk.
- We work in the best interests of our users by mentoring, encouraging and supporting them to achieve their full potential in their working lives.
- We champion good mental health in the workplace by working in partnership with employers to assist them to provide support for our clients.